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Little Penny Star Rug Hooking Kit

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I just love these. Add to a wreath or top of a tree. The Little Penny Star kit will come with the wool needed to hook it. Simply back the star with a piece of wool, (stuff first if you want a puffy star, or cut a piece of cardboard slightly smaller than the star and fit to star before attaching the backing wool, then attach to the wreath of your choice. (wreath not included) So cute, this star is 8 1/2 inches wide and 9 inches tall and will come to you drawn on linen.

If you would like your wool cut into strips, please select the option on the right.

Patterns and kits come with a colored cover photo, unless otherwise noted, including a rug recipe card with our recommended woolen amounts.

Kits include the pattern and all woolens needed to hook the design. We have included wool amounts that we used (plus a bit extra) to hook the rug. We realize that all hookers hook differently. Some hookers hook much looser and will have leftover wool, some hook higher or tighter and may need extra. We encourage you to keep all wool tags that label your wool as well as your rug recipe card, in the event you may need to purchase more.