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Hooking Eyes with Kris Miller , Friday, June 20, 2025, 1-4 pm

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Hooking Eyes with Kris Miller 

Class, June 20, 2025, 1-4 pm

A well-hooked eye can bring life and personality to your rug. Are you hesitant to hook a face because the eyes seem a bit too intimidating? In this class, Kris will walk you through three different techniques to create eyes with a primitive flare.  Hook a “realistic” primitive eye (suitable for both humans and animals), a simple and easy bird’s eye, and a special quillie eye that is suitable for owls, pumpkins, and spooky Halloween creatures.

The class will include a kit with a piece of linen (eyes already drawn) and the necessary pre-cut wool strips to create each eye.
Students need to bring a frame, hook, and scissors. You may want to bring your own needle and thread; however, Kris will have some available during the class.

The class is Friday, June 20, 2025 from 1-4 pm. 

If you plan to take the class and want to order lunch to enjoy here at The Old Tattered Flag before your class,  please visit our Events/Retreats page.  

**Cancellations should be made by May 1st to receive a refund.